Why not try the 'PATCHS' link below to contact The Ash Surgery for help and advice?
All enquiries sent through the PATCHS link are assessed by the on call doctor and you can expect a response to your request within 48 hours. It is an easy way to access health care without having to telephone for an appointment. Please do not use this service for emergencies. IF YOU CARE FOR A CHILD UNDER THE AGE OF 16 YOU WILL NEED TO REQUEST VIA THE TAB THAT STATES SOMEONE I CARE FOR. FILL OUT YOUR CHILDS DETAILS. YOUR CHILDS REQUEST WILL BE REJECTED IF IT IS REQUESTED YOUR NAME.
Dr Lynn & Partners welcomes you to The Ash Surgery
We aim to provide the best possible quality service to our patients and a service that we are proud of.
We will provide this by combining traditional General Practice which is family-based, cradle to grave, with continuity of care and familiarity. We will do this in an organisation that is forward thinking, integrated, technologically engaged and enabled to deliver the modern agenda.
We will always respect our patients, treat them with courtesy and involve them in the decision-making process.

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Living Well Service
The Living Well Service, delivered by Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, operates on a fully drop-in basis and provides routine immunisations, health checks and wider well being…
Cheshire and Merseyside residents urged to ‘give digital a go’ as part of new NHS campaign
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How you make a complaint about primary care services is changing on 1 July 2023
From 1 July 2023 the way members of the public make a complaint about primary care services to the commissioner is changing....

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Introduction to the Breathe Programme

The Breathe programme is a flexible programme of exercise and education for patients with chronic lung conditions.
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Children's Mental Health Information

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