Stop smoking today with the support of Smokefree Liverpool

Your local stop smoking service can help and support anyone who lives, works, or is registered with a GP in the Liverpool area. They offer a full course of Nicotine Replacement Therapy as well as behavioural and motivational support from a highly trained and experienced team of stop smoking advisors. They can support clients either face-to-face at one of their community settings, over the telephone or digitally.

Feel Healthier

No matter how many years you’ve smoked, quitting does improve current and future health and wellbeing.

Save Money

Quitting smoking leads to a richer life in more ways than one. If you smoke 20 a day, you could save around £250 a month. That’s £3000 per year.

Take Control

Cigarettes don’t have to control your life. Protect your loved ones from harmful second-hand smoke and reduce their risk of developing smoke related illnesses.

Text QUIT1 to 61825 or call 0151 374 2535 or complete the self referral form by clicking on the link below.

Smokefree Liverpool - Self referral form