Additional Clinicians & Health Professionals


Pharmacy Team:

Our pharmacy team support the clinicians in the practice. For appointments requested regarding medication, patients may be directed towards these clinicians as they have knowledge and expertise in this area and are best suited to answer any questions posed.


Mental Health Nurse:

Our Mental Health Nurse works across a number of practices within our Primary Care Network to provide support to patients. Appointments with the Mental Health Nurse are by referral from the GP for patients who are not under a secondary care team.


Joint and Muscle Pain Specialist:

First Contact Phtsiotherapists are the first point of call for any joint and muscle appointments. They are advanced practitioners and see patients with first presentation of musculoskeletal issues. They are the most experienced health care professional for dealing with these problems.

Our joint and muscle specialist will fully assess the your concerns and can refer into secondary care if it is needed. They can give advice on exercises and liaise with prescribing colleagues if medication is necessary.


Health, Wellbeing and Social Prescribers:

The social prescribing team supports patients with a whole range of lifestyle, social and healthy living issues.  They offer appointments at the practice or telephone consultation and have various contacts and links with other agencies in the community for further information and guidance.